Sunday, 5 May 2013



Zaha Hadid: 
Design as a growing organism that spreads through successive branches which form the structure "like fruits on the vine."

Norma Merrick Sklarek:
Pure geometric shapes.

Electroliquid Aggregation:
Design, defined by pure geometric shapes, can reflect a growing organism with successive branches which form the structure "like fruits on the vine."



Bird's Eye View of Two Monuments

This image shows Norma Merrick Sklarek's monument inspired by "pure geometric shapes" hanging over the waterfall in a dynamic way, connected to a large meeting space, wide enough to fit Architecture, Architectural Computing and Engineering students all in one space. This is also connected to Zaha Hadid's monument where successive smaller parts branch out to reflect a "growing organism" and "fruits on the vine".
The meeting space has two routes of access from each side of the waterfall, including crossing a bridge to reach the space.

Daytime View of Norma Merrick Sklarek's Monument "Pure Geometric Shapes"

Glass floor cantilevered over the edge of the waterfall creates a dynamic monument of pure geometric shapes as students can walk up the different levels and view the waterfall from above to see water rushing down the cliff beneath their feet. A mixture of vertical and horizontal planes make it look monumental and reflect Sklarek's geometric designs.

Night Time View of Norma Merrick Sklarek's Monument 

Close up view of textures and the different geometric shapes within the monument as it is amplified by hidden lights. The rectangular prisms are arranged in a way so that students can move aorund in a dynamic way, following the various pathways to reach the glass overhang.

Daytime View of Zaha Hadid's Monument "fruits on the vine"

This monument is designed to spread across the terrain, branching out horizontally, following the terrain up the mountainous landscape as smaller sections, and also vertically as rectangular prisms protrude from different sides. This all reflects Zaha Hadid's designs of a 'growing organism that spreads through successive branches' to reflect fruits on the vine'.  

Night Time View of Zaha Hadid's Monument

Textures are amplified through the use of the many lights as well as highlighting the distinctive hexagonal pattern made up of triangles on the roof. This pattern breaks free from the confines of rectangular prisms, reflecting Hadid's fluid designs that aren't limited to usual building parameters, pushing the boundaries with her fluid structures.


Sketchup Model: 

CryENGINE 3 Model:

Extra Images

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